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Global Tiger Day is Observed in Harbin

On July 29th and 30th, the 2nd International Forum on Conservation and Recovery of Tiger and Leopard &Global Tiger Day was successfully held in Harbin. The theme of Global Tiger Day was "Harmonious Coexistence between Humans and Tigers". The forum was jointly organized by the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Heilongjiang Province, the China Wildlife Conservation Association, the Beijing Representative Office of the World Wildlife Fund (Switzerland), Northeast Forestry University, and Jilin Agricultural University, focusing on "Conservation and Recovery of Tiger and Leopard".

The forum reviewed the efforts, progress, and achievements made by various countries around the world in terms of tiger and leopard conservation in the past decade, and conducted in-depth discussions on tiger and leopard population and habitat management, human animal conflict mitigation, prey and habitat restoration, and so on. The forum elaborated on the conservation process of the Northeast tiger and leopard in China. Meanwhile, experts at home and abroad exchanged views on topics such as intelligent monitoring technology and precise conservation research for the Northeast tiger and leopard, global tiger conservation strategies, and habitat protection and management for tiger and leopard populations, in order to reach a consensus on the future conservation of wild tigers and leopards, further promote the sustainable recovery of global wild tiger and leopard populations, and realize the vision of harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife.

At this forum, the Harbin Initiative on Strengthening the Protection and Recovery of Tigers and Leopards has been reached. It aims to call on the international community to join hands to promote the recovery of global wild tiger and leopard populations and jointly realize the beautiful vision of harmonious coexistence between humans and tigers and leopards, and call on more public participation in tiger and leopard conservation.

Tigers, listed as national first-class protected animals, are flagship species for maintaining biodiversity as well as an important benchmark for testing the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. As Heilongjiang Province is an important habitat for the Northeast tiger in China, the provincial committee and government fully implements the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the protection of endangered and rare wild animals, deeply practices the responsibility and mission of protecting flagship species such as the Northeast tiger, and continues to make efforts in the protection of the Northeast tiger.

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